Format class pada pemrograman c++
Programming C + + requires an adequate understanding to translate design into a form of implementation, especially for designs that use the abstraction class. Focus the discussion on aspects of object formation (construction) of a class, and otherwise process when the object is not used anymore (destruction).
Declaration and Definition
Declaration and definition is the first step in any writing courses are no exception in C + +. Declarations and definitions required for all types of data including data type formations user (user-defined type).
Class nama_class
Data elemen_class private;
Data elemen_class private;
Data elemen_class public;
Data elemen_class public;
} nama_object;
Berikut adalah contoh deklarasi class
Class mobil // ini adalah nama class
Char merk[50]
Char jenis[35] // ini adalah nama anggota class
Float harga;
Int stok;
Motor sport; // pendefinisian objek class
Please understandable if not adal screenshot of the results of running the program because I indent the post laboratory and in the laboratory is not diintall snipping tools. Thank you. Hopefully useful.
Posted by 06.31 and have
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